osxMotionAW:Real-time activity recognition for wrist software expansion for STM32Cube

osxMotionAW is an add-on software package for X-CUBE-MEMS1. The software runs on the
STM32 and includes drivers that recognize ST inertial sensors LSM6DS0, LSM6DS3 or
It provides real-time information on user activities: stationary, walking, fast walking,
jogging and biking.
The algorithm exclusively manages the data acquired from the accelerometer at a low 16 Hz
sampling frequency to reduce host platform power consumption.
The software comes with sample implementations of drivers exploiting STM32Cube software
technology, running on an X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 or X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 (with optional
STEVAL-MKI160V1 board) expansion board, on top of a NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLEO-L476RG
development board.
Key Features
- Real-time activity recognition for wrist algorithm (under OpenSoftwareX license) based on accelerometer data only.
- Complete middleware to build applications on top of X-CUBE-MEMS1.
- Libraries for ARM Cortex-M3 and ARM Cortex-M4 MCU cores.
- Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube.
- Sample application to transmit real-time sensor data and recognized activities to a PC.
- Sample implementations for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 and X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 (with optional STEVAL-MKI160V1 board) expansion boards, mounted on a NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLEO-L476RG development board.
Product Specifications
User Manuals
License Agreement
STM32 Open Development Environment
Part Number | Manufacturer | Description |
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 | ST | Motion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo |
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 | ST | Motion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo |
MCUs Embedded Software
Part Number | Manufacturer | Description |
X-CUBE-MEMS1 | ST | Motion MEMS and environmental sensor software expansion for STM32Cube |
Product Evaluation Tools
Part Number | Manufacturer | Description |
NUCLEO-F401RE | ST | STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32F401RE MCU, supports Arduino and ST morpho connectivity |
NUCLEO-L476RG | | STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32L476RG MCU, supports Arduino and ST morpho connectivity |
STEVAL-MET001V1 | ST | LPS22HB adapter board for a standard DIL 24 socket |
STEVAL-MKI160V1 | ST | LSM6DS3 adapter board for standard DIL24 socket |
Get Software
Part Number | Software Version | Supplier |
osxMotionAW | 1.0 | ST |