STX-RLINK:In-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9 microcontrollers

The RLink (STX-RLINK) is Raisonance’s versatile, low-cost, in-circuit debugger and programmer for a complete range of STMicroelectronics microcontrollers (STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9). It connects to application or evaluation boards for in-circuit programming and debugging via an industry standard JTAG-SWD connection for ARM® core-based microcontrollers, via STMicroelectronics’ SWIM connection for STM8, or via an in-circuit communication (ICC) connection for ST7 microcontrollers. ST72Cxxxx devices are not supported.

The RLink, driven by Raisonance’s Ride7 integrated development environment provides both unlimited in-circuit debugging and programming of applications for STM8 and ST7. The RLink allows in-circuit debugging of STM32, STR7 and STR9 MCUs with debug code limitation up to 1/2 the size of the device Flash if Flash is less than or equal to 64 Kbytes, or up to 64 Kbytes if Flash is more than 64 Kbytes.

In combination with Raisonance’s free RFlasher7 programming software, RLink can also be used as a very-low cost, dedicated in-circuit programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9 microcontrollers.

Complete software tool sets are provided by download at

The RLink does not include trace support for ARM® core-based devices with Embedded Trace Macrocell™ such as STR9.

Key Features

  • In-circuit debugging and programming
  • Connection to application board via JTAG, SWD, ST SWIM or ICC interface
  • USB interface to host PC
  • Powered from USB
Product Specifications
DB0257: Raisonance's in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR96.1193 KB
Sample & Buy
Part NumberGeneral DescriptionSpecific featuresRoHS Compliance GradeUnit Price (US$) *Material DeclarationQuantity
STX-RLINKIn-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9 microcontrollers-Ecopack1102.90true1
Quality & Reliability
Part NumberPackageGradeRoHS Compliance GradeMaterial Declaration**
Raisonance's in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9 STX-RLINK