X-CUBE-DBFU:STM32L0/L4 optimized usage of the dual bank structure of Flash memory (AN4767)

X-CUBE-DBFU is a project example that demonstrates an implementation of the dual bank functionality of the Flash memory.

Taking advantage of the dual bank feature in Field upgrade, brings several advantages described in the “Optimized usage of the dual bank structure of Flash memory in STM32 microcontrollers” Application note (AN4767).

Key Features

  • Firmware upgrade example
  • Optional symmetric encryption on supported devices
  • Automatic and manual bank selection
  • Vector table relocation
  • Using YMODEM RS-232 for binary loading
Product Specifications
DB3053: Flash memory dual bank structure optimized usage software expansion for STM32Cube1.0118 KB
Application Notes
AN4767: Optimized usage of the dual bank structure of Flash memory in STM32 microcontrollers - Software expansion for STM32Cube2.0268 KB
STM32 Open Development Environment Brochure15.104 MB
License Agreement
SLA0048: Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT2.18112 KB
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