
IF 放大器 / ADC 驱动器
扩展温度 (H 和 MP) 运放


Product Channels  (#) Bidirectional  Vos  (mV) CM Range  Gain  (V/V) Input Step Response  Comments  Packages 
LT1787 1 yes 0.04 2.5V to 36V 8 10us Precision, High Side Current Sense SO-8, MS-8
LT1787 1 yes 0.04 2.5V to 36V 8 10us Precision, High Side Current Sense, 60V Supply Operation SO-8, MS-8
LT1999 1 yes 0.5 -5V to 80V 10 2.5us High Voltage, Bidirectional Current Sense Amplifier MS-8, SO-8
LT1999 1 yes 0.5 -5V to 80V 20 2.5us High Voltage, Bidirectional Current Sense Amplifier MS-8, SO-8
LT1999 1 yes 0.5 -5V to 80V 50 2.5us High Voltage, Bidirectional Current Sense Amplifier MS-8, SO-8
LT6100 1 no 0.08 4.1V to 36V 10, 12.5, 20, 25, 40, 50 40us Precision, Gain Selectable Current Sense DFN-8, MS-8
LT6105 1 no 0.1 -0.3V to 44V Programmable Rout/Rin 3.5us Precision, Rail-to-Rail Input Current Sense Amplier DFN-6, MS-8
LT6106 1 no 0.15 2.7V to 36V (44V Max) Programmable Rout/Rin 3.5us Low Cost 36V High Side Current Sense in a SOT-23 SOT-23
LT6107 1 no 0.15 2.7V to 36V (44V Max) Programmable Rout/Rin 3.5us High Temperature High Side Current Sense Amp in SOT-23 SOT-23
LT6108 1 0.35 2.7V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 500ns High Side Current Sense Amplifier with Reference and Latching Comparator MS-8, DFN-8
LT6108 1 0.35 2.7V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 500ns High Side Current Sense Amplifier with Reference and Non-Latching Comparator MS-8, DFN-8
LTC4151 1 no 7V to 80V High Voltage I2C Current and Voltage Monitor MS-10, DFN-10, SO-16
LTC6101 1 no 0.15 4.1V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 1us High Voltage, High-Side Current Sense SOT-23, MS-8
LTC6101 1 no 0.15 5V to 100V Programmable Rout/Rin 1us High Voltage, High-Side Current Sense, 100V Maximum Supply Voltage SOT-23, MS-8
LTC6102 1 no 0.003 4V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 1us Precision Zero Drift Current Sense Amplifier DFN-8, MS-8
LTC6102 1 no 0.003 5V to 100V Programmable Rout/Rin 1us Precision Zero Drift Current Sense Amplifier, 100V Maximum Supply Voltage DFN-8, MS-8
LTC6103 2 no 0.085 4V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 1us Dual High Voltage, High Side Current Sense Amplifier MS-8
LTC6104 1 yes 0.085 4V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 1us High Voltage, High Side, Bi-Directional Current Sense Amplifier MS-8
LT6109 1 no 0.35 2.7V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 500ns High Side Current Sense Amplifier with Reference and Comparators, Comparators In Opposing Polarity MS-10
LT6109 1 no 0.35 2.7V to 60V Programmable Rout/Rin 500ns High Side Current Sense Amplifier with Reference and Comparators, Comparators In Same Polarity MS-10