
Part Number Taper POTs Control Interface Wiper Memory Steps Rend-to-end (kΩ)  Res. Tol. (%)  Temp. Coeff. (typ)  (ppm/°C)  Wiper Resistance (typ)  (Ω)  Icc @5V (max)  (µA)  Applications RoHS Available Oper. Temp. (°C)  Package/Pins Budgetary Price (See Notes) 
DS1267B Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 20 750 900 2 - Yes -40 to +85 SOIC(W)/16 ,TSSOP/20 $3.47 @1k
DS1868B Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 20 750 900 2 - Yes -40 to +85 SOIC(W)/16 ,TSSOP/20 $2.35 @1k
MAX5395 Linear 1 I2C Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 50 25 25 Low-Voltage Battery Applications Yes -40 to +125 TDFN-EP/8 $0.62 @1k
MAX5394 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 50 25 25 Low-Voltage Battery Applications Yes -40 to +125 TDFN-EP/8 $0.62 @1k
MAX5387 Linear 2 I2C Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 35 200 1 Low-Voltage Battery Applications ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +125 TSSOP/14 $1.03 @1k
MAX5388 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 35 200 1 Low-Voltage Battery Applications ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +125 µMAX/10 $1.03 @1k
MAX5389 Linear 2 Up/Down Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 35 200 1 Low-Voltage Battery Applications ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +125 TSSOP/14 $0.96 @1k
MAX5392 Linear 2 I2C Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 35 200 27 Low-Voltage Battery Applications ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +125 TSSOP/16 $1.55 @1k
MAX5391 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 35 200 27 Low-Voltage Battery Applications ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +125 TQFN/16 $1.38 @1k
MAX5393 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 35 200 27 Low-Voltage Battery Applications ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +125 TSSOP/14 $1.38 @1k
MAX5386 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 25 35 150 1 Low-Voltage Battery Applications ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +125 TQFN/16 $0.96 @1k
DS3502 Linear 1 I2C Non-Volatile 128 10 20 4 5000 60 Resistance-Temp. Lookup Table ,Vcom Adjustment Yes -40 to +95 µMAX/10 $0.56 @1k
DS1841 Log 1 I2C Non-Volatile 128 22 20 250 370 1 Audio Control ,Fiber Communications ,Fibre Optic Modules Yes -40 to +95 TDFN-EP/10 $0.57 @1k
DS3501 Linear 1 I2C Non-Volatile 128 10 20 4 5000 60 Resistance-Temp. Lookup Table ,Vcom Adjustment Yes -40 to +95 µMAX/10 $0.56 @1k
DS4420 Log - 2-Wire Addressable Volatile 20 - - - - 3000 Microphone Gain Control ,Telephone Headsets Yes -20 to +70 TDFN-EP/14 $1.50 @1k
MAX5440 Log 2 Rotary Encoder Volatile 32 40 30 35 1 1.4 Automotive Back-Seat Multimedia ,Desktop Speakers ,Multimedia Docking Stations ,Set-Top Boxes ,Stereo Volume Control Yes -40 to +85 SSOP/24 $1.54 @1k
DS3901 Linear 3 I2C Non-Volatile 256 20 ,30 ,50 20 50 250 250 Bias Adjustment ,Fiber Communications ,Fibre Optic Modules Yes -40 to +95 TSSOP/14 $1.04 @1k
MAX5486 Log 2 Debounced Pushbutton Up/Down Volatile 32 40 30 50 1 1.4 Audio Control ,Automotive Back-Seat Multimedia ,Car Stereo ,Desktop Speakers ,Multimedia Docking Stations ,Portable Audio ,Set-Top Boxes ,Stereo Volume Control Yes -40 to +85 TSSOP/24 $2.13 @1k
DS1881 Log 2 I2C Non-Volatile 64 45 20 30 160 200 Audio Control ,Car Stereo ,Notebook and PC Audio ,Portable Audio Yes -40 to +85 SOIC(N)/16 ,TSSOP/16 $1.09 @1k
DS1882 Log 2 I2C Non-Volatile 64 45 20 30 160 200 Audio Control ,Car Stereo ,Notebook and PC Audio ,Portable Audio ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +85 SOIC(N)/16 ,TSSOP/16 $1.21 @1k
MAX5456 Log 2 Debounced Pushbutton Up/Down Volatile 32 10 30 50 1000 1 Audio Control Yes -40 to +85 QSOP/16 ,TQFN/16 $1.51 @1k
MAX5457 Log 2 Debounced Pushbutton Up/Down Volatile 32 10 30 50 1000 1 Audio Control Yes -40 to +85 QSOP/16 ,TQFN/16 $1.51 @1k
MAX5128 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile 128 22 25 50 600 1.5 Bias Adjustment ,Portable Consumer Yes -40 to +85 µDFN/8 $0.85 @1k
DS3906 Pseudo-Log 3 2-Wire Non-Volatile 64 - 20 60 - 160 LED Driver ,Low Step Size Applications Yes -40 to +85 µMAX/10 $1.12 @1k
MAX5481 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 10 25 35 - 1 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $2.38 @1k
MAX5482 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 50 25 35 - 1 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $2.38 @1k
MAX5483 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 10 25 35 - 1 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $2.38 @1k
MAX5484 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 50 25 35 - 1 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $2.38 @1k
MAX5492 - - - - - 10 0.025 35 - - Precision Voltage Divider Yes -55 to +125 SOT/5 $1.50 @1k
MAX5494 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 10 25 35 - 1.5 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 $3.77 @1k
MAX5495 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 50 25 35 - 1.5 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 $3.77 @1k
MAX5496 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 10 25 35 - 1.5 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 $3.77 @1k
MAX5497 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 50 25 35 - 1.5 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 $3.77 @1k
MAX5498 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 10 25 35 - 1.5 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 $3.67 @1k
MAX5499 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 1024 50 25 35 - 1.5 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 $3.77 @1k
MAX5527 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile OTP 64 100 25 35 100 1.5 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,TDFN-EP/8 $0.86 @1k
MAX5528 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile OTP 64 50 25 35 100 1.5 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,TDFN-EP/8 $0.86 @1k
MAX5529 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile OTP 64 10 25 35 100 1.5 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,TDFN-EP/8 $0.86 @1k
MAX5477 Linear 2 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 256 10 25 35 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $1.89 @1k
MAX5478 Linear 2 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 256 50 25 35 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $1.89 @1k
MAX5479 Linear 2 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 256 100 25 35 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $1.89 @1k
MAX5487 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 256 10 25 35 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $1.89 @1k
MAX5488 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 256 50 25 35 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $1.89 @1k
MAX5489 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 256 100 25 35 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TQFN/16 ,TSSOP/14 $1.89 @1k
MAX5418 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 256 100 - 50 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TDFN-EP/8 $1.97 @1k
MAX5432 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 32 50 25 35 610 2 - Yes -40 to +85 TDFN-EP/8 $0.76 @1k
MAX5433 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 32 100 25 35 610 2 - Yes -40 to +85 TDFN-EP/8 $0.76 @1k
MAX5434 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 32 50 25 35 610 2 - Yes -40 to +85 TSOT/6 $0.76 @1k
MAX5435 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 32 100 25 35 610 2 - Yes -40 to +85 TSOT/6 $0.76 @1k
MAX5422 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 256 50 25 50 325 1 - Yes - TDFN-EP/8 $1.51 @1k
MAX5423 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 256 100 25 50 325 1 - Yes - TDFN-EP/8 $1.51 @1k
MAX5424 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Non-Volatile 256 200 25 50 325 1 - Yes - TDFN-EP/8 $1.51 @1k
MAX5427 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile OTP 32 100 25 35 100 1.5 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,TDFN-EP/8 $0.79 @1k
DS4302 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 - - - - 300 - Yes - SOIC(N)/8 $0.97 @500
MAX5419 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 256 200 - 50 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TDFN-EP/8 $1.97 @1k
DS3902 Linear 2 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 256 50 + (30 or 15) 20 300 160 200 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes - µMAX/8 $0.94 @1k
DS1870 Linear 2 2-Wire Non-Volatile 256 50 20 850 400 - - Yes -40 to +95 TSSOP/16 $4.05 @1k
MAX5417 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Non-Volatile 256 50 - 50 325 1 - Yes -40 to +85 TDFN-EP/8 $1.98 @1k
MAX5490 - - - - - 100 0.025 35 - - Precision Voltage Divider Yes -55 to +125 SOT/3 $1.50 @1k
MAX5491 - - - - - 30 0.025 35 - - Precision Voltage Divider Yes -55 to +125 SOT/3 $1.50 @1k
MAX5471 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile 32 50 - 35 600 1 - Yes - TSOT/6 $0.54 @1k
MAX5472 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile 32 100 - 35 600 1 - Yes - TSOT/6 $0.54 @1k
MAX5474 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile 32 50 - 35 600 1 - Yes - SOT/8 $0.74 @1k
MAX5475 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile 32 100 - 35 600 1 - Yes - SOT/8 $0.74 @1k
DS4301 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile 32 200 20 250 500 60 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,SOIC(N)/8 $0.60 @1k
DS3930 Linear 6 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 256 16.6 20 250 400 350 - Yes - TSSOP/20 $2.03 @1k
DS3904 Linear 3 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 128 20 25 125 - 200 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes - µMAX/8 $0.83 @1k
MAX5436 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 128 50 25 35 900 60 - Yes - µMAX/10 $3.51 @1k
MAX5437 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 128 50 25 35 900 60 - Yes - TSSOP/14 $4.73 @1k
MAX5438 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 128 100 25 35 900 60 - Yes - µMAX/10 $3.51 @1k
MAX5439 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 128 100 25 35 900 60 - Yes - TSSOP/14 $4.73 @1k
DS3903 Linear 3 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 128 10+10+90 20 300 250 250 Fiber Communications ,Power Supply Cal. Yes - TSSOP/20 $1.16 @1k
MAX5428 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile OTP 32 50 25 35 100 1.5 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,TDFN-EP/8 $0.79 @1k
MAX5429 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile OTP 32 10 25 35 100 1.5 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,TDFN-EP/8 $0.79 @1k
DS1805 Linear 1 2-Wire Addressable Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 20 550 400 40 - Yes - SOIC(N)/16 ,TSSOP/14 $1.32 @1k
MAX5426 - 1 2-Wire Parallel Volatile 4 15 0.025 35 - 90 Precision Voltage Divider Yes - TSSOP/14 $1.44 @1k
MAX5430 - 1 2-Wire Parallel Volatile 4 15 0.025 - - 6 Precision Voltage Divider Yes - SOT/8 $2.29 @1k
MAX5431 - 1 2-Wire Parallel Volatile 4 57 0.025 - - 60 Precision Voltage Divider Yes - µMAX/10 $1.49 @1k
MAX5420 - 1 2-Wire Parallel Volatile 4 15 0.025 - - 6 Precision Voltage Divider Yes - µMAX/8 $1.60 @1k
MAX5421 - 1 2-Wire Parallel Volatile 4 15 0.025 - - 6 Precision Voltage Divider Yes - µMAX/10 $1.49 @1k
MAX5407 Log 1 Direction+Clock Volatile 32 20 25 35 400 0.35 - Yes - SOT/8 $0.96 @1k
DS1855 Linear 2 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 100+256 10+100 ,10+10 ,10+50 ,10+20 20 750 250 60 Fiber Communications ,GBIC Yes - CSBGA/16 ,FCHIP/14 ,TSSOP/14 $2.04 @1k
DS1808 Log 2 2-Wire Addressable Volatile 32 45 20 750 300 25 - Yes -40 to +85 SOIC(N)/16 $2.44 @1k
MAX5160 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial Volatile 32 50 ,100 ,200 25 50 400 10 - Yes - µMAX/8 $0.75 @1k
MAX5161 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial Volatile 32 50 ,100 ,200 25 50 400 10 - Yes - TSOT/6 $0.70 @1k
MAX5460 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 100 25 35 600 24 - Yes - SC-70/5 $0.58 @1k
MAX5461 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 100 25 35 600 24 - Yes - SC-70/6 $0.58 @1k
MAX5462 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 100 25 35 600 24 - Yes - SC-70/6 $0.58 @1k
MAX5463 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 50 25 35 600 24 - Yes - SC-70/5 $0.58 @1k
MAX5464 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 50 25 35 600 24 - Yes - SC-70/6 $0.58 @1k
MAX5465 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 50 25 35 600 24 - Yes - SC-70/6 $0.58 @1k
MAX5466 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 10 25 35 160 24 - Yes - SOT/5 $0.58 @1k
MAX5467 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 10 25 35 160 24 - Yes - SOT/6 $0.58 @1k
MAX5468 Linear 1 2-Wire Serial Volatile 32 10 25 35 160 24 - Yes - SOT/6 $0.58 @1k
MAX5450 Linear 2 Up/Down Volatile 256 10 25 35 225 2 - Yes - µMAX/10 $2.51 @1k
MAX5451 Linear 2 Up/Down Volatile 256 10 25 35 225 2 - Yes - TSSOP/14 $2.51 @1k
MAX5452 Linear 2 Up/Down Volatile 256 50 25 35 225 2 - Yes - µMAX/10 $2.51 @1k
MAX5453 Linear 2 Up/Down Volatile 256 50 25 35 225 2 - Yes - TSSOP/14 $2.51 @1k
MAX5454 Linear 2 Up/Down Volatile 256 100 25 35 225 2 - Yes - µMAX/10 $2.51 @1k
MAX5455 Linear 2 Up/Down Volatile 256 100 25 35 225 2 - Yes - TSSOP/14 $2.51 @1k
MAX5408 Log 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 32 10 30 35 1000 0.2 - Yes - QSOP/16 ,TQFN/16 $1.83 @1k
MAX5409 Log 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 32 10 30 35 1000 0.2 - Yes - QSOP/16 ,TQFN/16 $2.56 @1k
MAX5410 Log 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 32 10 30 35 1000 0.2 - Yes - QSOP/16 ,TQFN/16 $1.87 @1k
MAX5411 Log 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 32 10 30 35 1000 0.2 - Yes - QSOP/16 ,TQFN/16 $2.56 @1k
DS1801 Log 2 3-Wire Serial Volatile 64 45 20 750 400 50 Audio Control ,Car Stereo ,Portable Audio ,Portable Consumer ,Stereo Volume Control Yes -40 to +85 PDIP(N)/14 ,SOIC(W)/16 ,TSSOP/14 $3.85 @1k
DS1802 Log 2 3-Wire Serial and Push-Button (Up/Down) Volatile 64 45 20 750 400 80 Audio Control ,Car Stereo ,Desktop Speakers ,Portable Audio ,Portable Consumer ,Stereo Volume Control Yes -40 to +85 PDIP(N)/20 ,SOIC(W)/20 ,TSSOP/20 $3.85 @1k
DS1803 Linear 2 2-Wire Addressable Volatile 256 10 ,50 ,100 20 750 400 40 - Yes - PDIP(N)/16 ,SOIC(N)/16 ,TSSOP/14 $3.13 @1k
DS1804 Linear 1 Up/Down Non-Volatile 100 10 ,50 ,100 20 750 400 40 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,FCHIP/15 ,PDIP(N)/8 ,SOIC(N)/8 $1.55 @1k
DS1806 Linear 6 3-Wire Serial Volatile 64 10 ,50 ,100 20 750 400 40 - Yes - PDIP(N)/20 ,SOIC(W)/20 ,TSSOP/20 $5.48 @1k
DS1807 Log 2 2-Wire Addressable Volatile 64 45 20 750 400 40 Audio Control ,Car Stereo ,Desktop Speakers ,Portable Audio Yes -40 to +85 PDIP(N)/14 ,SOIC(W)/16 ,TSSOP/14 $3.14 @1k
DS1809 Linear 1 Contact-Closure Non-Volatile 64 10 ,50 ,100 20 750 400 25 - Yes - µMAX/8 ,PDIP(N)/8 ,SOIC(N)/8 $1.28 @1k
DS1844 Linear 4 2-Wire or 5-Wire Serial Volatile 64 10 ,50 ,100 20 750 400 40 - Yes - PDIP(N)/20 ,SOIC(W)/20 ,TSSOP/20 $2.89 @1k
DS1845 Linear 2 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 100+256 10+100 ,10+10 ,10+50 20 750 250 40 Fiber Communications ,GBIC Yes - CSBGA/16 ,FCHIP/14 ,TSSOP/14 $1.87 @1k
DS1846 Linear 3 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 100+256 10+100 20 750 300 200 Fiber Communications ,Microprocessor Reset ,Pwr-Fail Detect Yes - TSSOP/20 $2.59 @500
DS1847 Linear 2 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 256 10+50 20 850 - 1000 Fiber Communications ,Resistance-Temp. Lookup Table Yes - CSBGA/16 ,TSSOP/14 $2.21 @1k
DS1848 Linear 2 2-Wire Addressable Non-Volatile 256 10+50 20 850 - 1000 Fiber Communications ,Resistance-Temp. Lookup Table Yes - CSBGA/16 ,TSSOP/14 $2.46 @1k
DS1866 Log 1 3-Input Parallel Volatile 8 10 20 750 400 50 Audio Control Yes -40 to +85 PDIP(N)/8 ,SOIC(N)/8 $1.10 @1k
MAX5402 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial Volatile 256 10 25 35 250 5 - Yes -40 to +85 µMAX/8 $1.21 @1k
MAX5413 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 25 35 275 5 - Yes - TSSOP/14 $2.57 @1k
MAX5414 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 50 25 35 275 5 - Yes -40 to +85 TSSOP/14 $2.57 @1k
MAX5415 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 100 25 35 275 5 - Yes -40 to +85 TSSOP/14 $2.57 @1k
MAX5403 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 10 25 35 275 5 - Yes - µMAX/10 $2.57 @1k
MAX5404 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 50 25 35 275 5 - Yes - µMAX/10 $2.57 @1k
MAX5405 Linear 2 3-Wire Serial SPI Volatile 256 100 25 35 275 5 - Yes - µMAX/10 $2.57 @1k
MAX5400 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial Volatile 256 50 25 50 250 5 - Yes - SOT/8 $1.08 @1k
MAX5401 Linear 1 3-Wire Serial Volatile 256 100 25 50 250 5 - Yes - SOT/8 $1.08 @1k