首页 > NXP 恩智浦 > 智能识别 > 智能卡IC > MIFARE智能卡IC


MIFARE是恩智浦一系列非接触式IC产品中的著名品牌,具有典型的10厘米(4英寸)读/写距离,用于全球40多种不同应用。完全符合ISO/IEC 14443标准的MIFARE产品已售出5千万个读卡器和50亿个卡组件,经验证比市场上任何其他接口技术都更加成熟可靠。

Application note
Line card
User manual
Other type
MF0ICU1MIFARE Ultralight非接触式单程票ICProduction
MF0ICU2MIFARE Ultralight C - Contactless ticket ICProduction
MF0ULx1MIFARE Ultralight EV1 - 非接触式票证ICProduction
MF1S50yyX/V1MIFARE Classic 1K - 适用于快速简单的解决方案开发的主流非接触式智能卡ICProduction
MF1S70yyX/V1MIFARE Classic 4K - 适用于快速简单的解决方案开发的主流非接触式智能卡ICProduction
MIFARE DESFire EV1 2KMIFARE DESFire EV1非接触式多用途芯片Production
MIFARE DESFire EV1 4KMIFARE DESFire EV1非接触式多用途芯片Production
MIFARE DESFire EV1 8KMIFARE DESFire EV1非接触式多用途芯片Production
MIFARE Plus S 2K适用于快速简单的解决方案开发的主流非接触式智能卡ICProduction
MIFARE Plus S 4K适用于快速简单的解决方案开发的主流非接触式智能卡ICProduction
MIFARE Plus SE 1KSecure contactless smart card IC for seamless migrationProduction
MIFARE Plus X 2K适用于快速简单的解决方案开发的主流非接触式智能卡ICProduction
MIFARE Plus X 4K适用于快速简单的解决方案开发的主流非接触式智能卡ICProduction
P5DF072MIFARE安全访问模块SAM AV1 (RC52x)Production
P5DF081MIFARE安全访问模块SAM AV2 (RC52x)或AV2.6 (RC663)Production
MIFARE® Type Identification Procedure MF0ICU2
MIFARE® and handling of UIDs MIFARE_PLUS_X_4K
MIFARE® SAM AV2 Documentation and Sampling p5df081
AN10787 MIFARE® Application Directory (MAD) MIFARE_PLUS_X_4K
AN1305 An Evaluation System for Direct Interface of the MPX5100 Pressure Sensor with a Microprocessor MPX5100
AN1304 Integrated Sensor Simplifies Bar Graph Pressure Gauge MPXV5100
AN1303 A Simple 4-20 mA Pressure Transducer Evaluation Board MPXV7025DP
Generic Access Control Data Model MIFARE_DESFIRE_EV1_8K
mifare® (14443A) 13.56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas smart_card_ics
AN10841 MIFARE® Plus card coil design MIFARE_PLUS_X_4K
System level security measures for MIFARE® installations MIFARE_PLUS_X_4K
AN10834 MIFARE® ISO/IEC 14443 PICC Selection MF0ICU2
NXP MIFARE Smart Card ICs mifare_ultralight
MAD list of registrations mifare_classic