Q32M210RPMGEVB:Q32M210 Rapid Prototyping Module Board

The Q32M210 Rapid Prototyping Module (RPM) is designed for evaluating the Q32M210 microcontroller and for application development. The board provides application developers with convenient access to all input and output connections via standard 0.1" through-holes. The low cost and small form factor of the RPM make it conducive to hand assembling prototype systems for learning and experimental purposes, and for early stages of product development.

  • One Q32M210 RPM Main Board
Q32M210RPMGEVB 实物图

Q32M210RPMGEVB 实物图

评估板 状况 无铅(Pb-free) 简短说明 所用产品
Q32M210RPMGEVB Active Pb-free Q32M210 Rapid Prototyping Module Board Q32M210F08ALNA
类型 文档标题 文档编号 修订号
Eval Board: Manual Q32M210 RPM Rapid Prototyping Manual (PDF file) Q32M210RPMGEVB_MANUAL.PDF - 620.0 KB 1
Software Q32M210 Engineering Tool (MSI file) Q32M210_ENGTOOL_BETA.MSI - 3040.0 KB
Eval Board: Manual Q32M210 Engineering Tool Quick Start Guide (PDF file) Q32M210_ENGTOOL_QUICK_START_GUIDE.PDF - 687.0 KB 0
Eval Board: Manual Q32M210RPM Demo Getting Started Card (PDF file) Q32M210RPM DEMO GETTING STARTED CARD.PDF - 511.0 KB 2