STM32 Nucleo expansion boards

Part Number Marketing Status General Description Supplier Core Product
P-NUCLEO-6180X1 Active VL6180X Nucleo pack - NEW - Includes VL6180X Expansion board and STM32F401RE Nucleo ST VL6180X
P-NUCLEO-6180X2 NRND VL6180X Nucleo pack - NEW - Includes VL6180X Expansion board and STM32L053R8 Nucleo ST VL6180X
P-NUCLEO-IHM001 Active Motor Control Nucleo Pack with NUCLEO-F302R8 and X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 ST STM32F3; L6230
X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 Active Proximity and ambient light sensor expansion board based on VL6180X for STM32 Nucleo ST VL6180X
X-NUCLEO-CCA01M1 Active Sound terminal expansion board based on STA350BW for STM32 Nucleo ST STA350BW
X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 Active Digital MEMS microphones expansion board based on MP34DT01-M for STM32 Nucleo. ST MP34DT01-M
X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 Active Bluetooth low energy expansion board based on BlueNRG for STM32 Nucleo ST BlueNRG; BALF-NRG-01D3
X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 Active Bluetooth Low Energy expansion board based on SPBTLE-RF module for STM32 Nucleo ST SPBTLE-RF; BlueNRG-MS; BALF-NRG-01D3
X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 Active Sub-1 GHz RF expansion board based on the SPSGRF-868 module for STM32 Nucleo ST SPSGRF-868
X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 Active Sub-1 GHz RF expansion board based on the SPSGRF-915 module for STM32 Nucleo ST SPSGRF-915
X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Active Wi-Fi expansion board based on SWPF01SA module for STM32 Nucleo ST SPWF01SA
X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 Active Stepper motor driver expansion board based on L6474 for STM32 Nucleo ST L6474PD
X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 Active Two axis stepper motor driver expansion board based on the L6470 for STM32 Nucleo ST L6470
X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 Active High power stepper motor driver expansion board based on powerSTEP01 for STM32 Nucleo ST powerSTEP01
X-NUCLEO-IHM04A1 Active Dual brush DC motor driver expansion board based on L6206 for STM32 Nucleo ST L6206
X-NUCLEO-IHM05A1 Active Bipolar stepper motor driver expansion board based on L6208 for STM32 Nucleo ST L6208
X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 Active Three-phase brushless DC motor driver expansion board based on L6230 for STM32 Nucleo ST L6230
X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 Active Low-Voltage BLDC motor driver expansion board based on STL220N6F7 for STM32 Nucleo ST STL220N6F7; L6398
X-NUCLEO-IHM09M1 Active Motor control connector expansion board for STM32 Nucleo ST -
X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 Active Multifunctional expansion board based on operational amplifiers for STM32 Nucleo ST TSZ124; TSU104; TSV734
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 Active Motion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo ST LSM6DS0; LIS3MDL; LPS25HB; HTS221
X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 Active DC-DC LED driver expansion board based on LED6001 for STM32 Nucleo ST LED6001
X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 Active Dynamic NFC tag expansion board based on M24SR for STM32 Nucleo ST M24SR
X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1 Active Industrial input/output expansion board based on VNI8200XP and CLT01-38SQ7 for STM32 Nucleo ST CLT01-38SQ7; VNI8200XP