<ST72P324BLK6 _ ST 代理商BDTIC 代理意法ST72P324BLK6

汽车级 ST72P324BL(K6)T(A)xxxRE 3.3V的范围内的8位MCU用于汽车与16/32字节Flash/16字节ROM,10位ADC,4个定时器,SPI和SCI接口TQFP-32封装

The ST72324BL-Auto devices are members of the ST7 microcontroller family designed for mid-range automotive applications running at 3.3V. Different package options offer up to 32 I/O pins. All devices are based on a common industry-standard 8-bit core, featuring an enhanced instruction set and are available with Flash or ROM program memory. The ST7 family architecture offers both power and flexibility to software developers, enabling the design of highly efficient and compact application code.

The on-chip peripherals include an A/D converter, two general purpose timers, an SPI interface and an SCI interface.

For power economy, microcontroller can switch dynamically into Wait, Slow, Active Halt or Halt mode when the application is in idle or standby state.

Typical applications are:
● All types of car body applications such as window lift, DC motor control and rain
● Safety microcontrollers in airbag and engine management applications
● Auxiliary functions in car radios.

Feature ST72324BLJ6
Program memory - bytes Flash 32K Flash/ROM 16K
RAM (stack) - bytes 1024 (256) 512 (256)
Voltage range 3.0V to 3.6V
Temperature range -40°C to +85°C
Packages LQFP44 10x10 LQFP32 7x7 LQFP44 10x10 LQFP32 7x7
ST72P324BL(K6)T(A)xxxRE 订购型号:
Order code Package Flash memory
Temperature range
ST72P324BL(K4)T(A)xxxRE LQFP32 16 -40°C +85°C
ST72P324BL(J4)T(A)xxxRE LQFP44
ST72P324BL(K6)T(A)xxxRE LQFP32 32
ST72P324BL(J6)T(A)xxxRE LQFP44
ST72P324BL(K6)T(A)xxxRE 产品特点
ST72P324BL(K6)T(A)xxxRE 技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ST 意法8位汽车微控制器ST72P324BL(K6)T(A)xxxRE 数据手册 DataSheet 下载.pdf
  2. ST7 微控制器选型指南.pdf
  3. 相关产品选型(Excel 文档格式选型 Excel 文档格式)
  4. 《新闻报道 》低成本开发工具能够调试ST7、μPSD和STR7微控制器的应用程序
  5. 电机控制:参考指南 (产品手册, PDF)
  6. ST7Lite系列: 面向苛刻应用而优化的小型用户友好型微控制器 (产品手册, PDF)
  7. ST7LNB DiSEqC? 微控制器家族 (产品手册, PDF)
  8. ST7263B与ST7260 USB低速微控制器系列 (产品手册, PDF)
  9. ST7232x: 可简化开发、提供系统可靠性的经济型8位微控制器家族 (产品手册, PDF)
  10. 意法半导体应用支持 . PDF
  11. 先进半导体解决方案的门电子
  12. 电机控制参考指南
  13. 周围半导体机顶盒应用. PDF
  14. 汽车的8位闪存微控制器. PDF
  15. 8 ,16和32位微控制器产品和工具选择指南. PDF
  16. 电机控制选型指南. PDF