AD14060BF-4: 480-MFLOP, Quad DSP, 5 V, CQFP Package CQFP-308封装
The AD14060/AD14060L Quad-SHARC is the first in a family of high performance DSP multiprocessor modules. The core of the multiprocessor is the ADSP-21060 DSP microcomputer. The AD14060/AD14060L modules have the highest performance -density and lowest cost-performance ratios of any in their class. They are ideal for applications requiring higher levels of performance and/or functionality per unit area.
AD14060BF-4 特点
- ADSP-21060 core processor(x4)
- 480 MFLOPS peak, 320 MFLOPS sustained
- 25 ns instruction rate, single-cycle instruction execution-each of four processors
- 16 Mbit shared SRAM (internal to SHARCs)
- 4 gigawords addressable off-module memory
- Twelve 40 Mbyte/s link ports (3 per SHARC)
- Four 40 Mbit/s independent serial ports (one from each SHARC)
- One 40 Mbit/s common serial port
- 5 V and 3.3 V operation
- 32-bit single precision and 40-bit extended precision IEEE floating point Data formats, or 32-bit fixed point data format
- IEEE JTAG Standard 1149.1 test access port and on-chip emulation
AD14060BF-4 功能框图

AD14060 芯片订购指南
AD14060BF-4 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . pdf
- Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .pdf