MADR-009443-000100 Quad Driver for GaAs FET or PIN Diode Switches and Attenuators
The MADR-009443-000100 is a four channel driver used to translate TTL control inputs into gate control voltages for GaAs FET microwave switches and attenuators. High speed analog CMOS technology is utilized to achieve low power dissipation at moderate to high speeds, encompassing most microwave switching applications. The output HIGH level is optionally 0 to +2.0V (relative to GND) to optimize the intermodulation products of FET control devices at low frequencies. For driving PIN Diode circuits, the outputs are nominally switched between +5V & -5V. The actual driver output voltages will be lower when driving large currents due to the resistance of the output devices.
技术特性 Features
- High Voltage CMOS Technology
- Four Channel
- Positive Voltage Control
- CMOS device using TTL input levels
- Low Power Dissipation
- Low Cost 4x4 mm, 20-lead PQFN Package
- 100% Matte Tin Plating over Copper
- Halogen-Free “Green” Mold Compound
- 260°C Reflow Compatible
订购信息 Ordering Information
- MADR-009443-000100 Bulk Packaging
- MADR-009190-000DIE Die 2
- MADR-009190-0001TR 1000 piece reel
功能框图 Functional Block Diagram
