BLUEMICROSYSTEM3:Bluetooth low energy, sensors and NFC tag software expansion for STM32Cube

BLUEMICROSYSTEM3 is an expansion software package for STM32Cube. The software
runs on the STM32 and includes drivers that recognize the Bluetooth low
energy (BlueNRG), Dynamic NFC tag, four sensor devices (HTS221, LPS25HB,
LSM6DS0, LIS3MDL) and proximity and ambient light sensing module (VL6180X).
It uses the NDEF standard for writing the information for simple and secure
Bluetooth pairing by storing the information on the NFC tag.
The expansion is built on STM32Cube software technology to ease portability
across different STM32 microcontrollers. The software comes with sample
implementations of the drivers running on the X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1,
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1, X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 and the X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 (or
X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1), when connected to a NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLE0-L476RG.
Key Features
- osxMotionFX (iNEMOEngine PRO) real-time motion sensor data fusion (under OPEN.MEMS license) to combine the output from multiple MEMS sensors
- osxMotionAR (iNEMOEngine PRO) real-time activity-recognition algorithm (under OPEN.MEMS license) based only on accelerometer data
- osxMotionCP (iNEMOEngine PRO) carry position detection algorithm (under OPEN.MEMS license) based only on accelerometer data
- osxMotionGR (iNEMOEngine PRO) gesture recognition middleware (under OPEN.MEMS license) based on VL6180X proximity sensors
- Proximity-based hand gesture recognition middleware
- Complete middleware to build applications using temperature and humidity sensors (HTS221), pressure sensor (LPS25HB), motion sensors (LIS3MDL and LSM6DS0), VL6180X proximity and ambient light sensing module and M24SR64-Y Dynamic NFC/RFID tag (using the NDEF standard)
- The package is compatible with the motion sensor LSM6DS3 DIL24 expansion component
- Very low power Bluetooth low energy (BlueNRG) single-mode network processor, compliant with Bluetooth specifications core 4.1 for transmitting information to one client
- Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube
- Compatible with BlueMS application for Android/iOS (Version 2.1.0 or higher) available on respective online markets (Play store/iTunes)
- Free, user-friendly license terms
- Sample implementation available on board X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1, X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 and X-NUCLEO- IDB04A1 (or X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1) when connected to NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLEO-L476RG
STM32 Open Development Environment
型号 | 制造商 | Description |
X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 | ST | Proximity and ambient light sensor expansion board based on VL6180X for STM32 Nucleo |
X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 | ST | Bluetooth low energy expansion board based on BlueNRG for STM32 Nucleo |
X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 | ST | Bluetooth Low Energy expansion board based on SPBTLE-RF module for STM32 Nucleo |
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 | ST | Motion MEMS and environmental sensor expansion board for STM32 Nucleo |
X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 | ST | Dynamic NFC tag expansion board based on M24SR for STM32 Nucleo |
MEMS and Sensors Software
型号 | 制造商 | Description |
osxMotionAR | ST | Real-time Activity Recognition software expansion for STM32Cube |
osxMotionCP | ST | Real-time carrying position software expansion for STM32Cube |
osxMotionFX | ST | Real-time motion-sensor data fusion software expansion for STM32Cube |
Wireless Connectivity Software
型号 | 制造商 | Description |
BlueMS | ST | BlueMS Application for Android and iOS |
型号 | Software Version | Supplier |