LMV1088 具有自动校准功能的双输入、远端场噪声抑制麦克风放大器

The LMV1088 amplifies near-field voice signals within 4cm of the microphones while rejecting far-field acoustic noise greater than 0.5m from the microphones. Up to 20dB of far-field rejection is possible in a properly configured and calibrated system.

Part of the Powerwise® family of energy efficient solutions, the LMV1088 consumes 1mA of supply current while providing superior performance to DSP solutions consuming over 10 times the power.

A fast calibration during the manufacturing test process allows the LMV1088 to compensate the entire microphone system. This calibration includes mismatch in microphone gain and frequency response, as well as acoustical path variances. The LMV1088 stores the calibration coefficients in on-board EEPROM

LMV1088 LMV1089 LMV1090
Function Beamforming     Beamforming     Beamforming    
Special Features Auto-calibration     Auto-calibration     I2C Controlled    
Mono/Stereo Mono     Mono     Mono    
Auto Calibration Yes     Yes      
Output Type Single-Ended     Differential     Differential    
Shutdown   Yes     Yes    
FFNRI (dB) 32     32     34    
Supply Current (mA) 1     1.1     0.6    
SNRI (dB) 24     24     26    
THD (%) 0.1     0.1     0.1    
Uplink Yes     Yes     Yes
LMV1088 特性
LMV1088 器件用途
LMV1088 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. LMV1088 数据资料 dataSheet 下载.PDF
  2. TI 德州仪器噪声降低选型与价格 . xls